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The Journee

Haylo by Renae Waistbeads and More was Kreated in honor and memory of my mother Renae (Roz).   


What is a Mother? She is… Grace, Love, Hope, Strength, Peace, Light, Confidence, Magic, a Best friend, Unconditional, Beauty, A Conqueror, Leader, Protector, Energy, Teacher, Disciplinary, Doctor, Nurse, Counselor, Spiritualist, Giver of life, and she is within You and Me.  

My mother represents all of these things plus more! And what better way for me to honor my mother’s legacy than to use my gifts I was blessed with to help other women to see all these aspects within themselves.  

Losing a loved one can sometimes cause you to lose hope, dreams and sometimes yourself! Since losing my mother I desperately needed an outlet to suppress all my pain and turn that anger into purpose!


My soul purpose is to help women just like myself, continue to build self-confidence, tap into their feminine energy, all while providing a safe haven for them to love on themselves a little more. 


For me, this Journee is more than just putting beads on thread and calling it jewelry. This is truly a Journee to self- love! Every piece I make has a story, thought, purpose and carries pieces of my energy.


I make sure to be intentional with everything I kreate and I ask that before wearing or tying on anything from Haylo by Renae Waistbeads and More, that you will always SET your intentions, SAY positive affirmations about yourself, and ENVISION you crushing your goals and dreams. This is the time to celebrate YOU!  




To my mother Rosalind (Roz) Renae, I love you unconditionally and miss you so much! My number one goal always has been to make you proud! Until we meet again rest well my love 💜 

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