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How to Tie your Waistbead

Remember to say your Affirmations and release anything that no longer serve you!

  • Wrap your Waistbead around the area where you want it to rest on your body.

  • Line up the ends towards the front, so that the two anchor beads are evenly lined up in front of you.

  • Before tying make sure to push all beads towards the back so that there aren't any gaps in the strand. (Gaps will cause pinching)

  • Pull on the anchor beads to release the knots

  • Criss cross the strands as if you are tying your shoes.

  • Move excess beads to the end near the anchor beads.

  • Tie 3 to 5 knots in the strand, make sure that NO beads become trapped in the knot.

  • When tying your knot make sure you are pulling tight. (do not tie your strand too tight for comfort)

  • Move all extra beads to the end of your strand near the anchor beads. Cut off the anchor beads, allowing the excess beads to fall into a cup or any container.

  • After cutting the anchor beads divide the strands evenly and then tie a few more knots (4-5) in the strand to secure the Waistbead. (Remember to pull tight when tying so your knots will hold.)

  • Cut off the excess thread, leaving about 1/2 inch away from the knot, making sure not to cut the knot.

  • Lastly twist your Waistbead so that the knot is in the back, and you're all done! (DO not burn the knot)

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